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[+35] Soldier

2051 indl�g

Skrevet - 27 Dec 2001 :  22:19:30  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]6-PACK's hjemmeside  Send [+35]6-PACK en ICQ besked
I need some advice.
I want to make a major upgrade on my system but was do you think i could buy.
I need
a new mother board
maybee a new disk
I have
512 mega pc 133 ram ( hope i can us

Friend of [+35]

539 Posts

Skrevet - 28 Dec 2001 :  15:46:11  Vis profil  Bes�g Renegade's hjemmeside

I need some advice.
I want to make a major upgrade on my system but was do you think i could buy.
I need
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[+35] Clan Founder, [+35] Member of COW

2843 Posts

Skrevet - 28 Dec 2001 :  15:50:27  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]DiNO's hjemmeside

Intel p3/p4
AMD tbird/xp
and the same goes 4 the motherboards

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[+35] Soldier

2051 Posts

Skrevet - 28 Dec 2001 :  16:36:21  Vis profil  Bes�g [+35]6-PACK's hjemmeside  Send [+35]6-PACK en ICQ besked
It all comes down to how most money you have

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Friend of [+35]

539 Posts

Skrevet - 28 Dec 2001 :  20:27:52  Vis profil  Bes�g Renegade's hjemmeside

my first thoughts was the tyan dual mother board but does i need all that POWER and can i use my memory and old GeForce in it
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[+35] Honorary Member

2036 Posts

Skrevet - 29 Dec 2001 :  10:42:12  Vis profil  Bes�g GoTCha's hjemmeside  Klik for at se GoTCha's MSN Messenger adresse
Well, I upgraded my old machine to AMD XP and can´t complain yet...and depending of the motherboard you probably still can use your old RAM until you want to switch to DDR.
But in the end buying and deciding
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